December 28, 2013

A fresh start

At some point everyone needs a fresh start, right? Well, this is how I feel with this blog. Going back to old posts I see the numerous hours of posting, the joy of hitting publish on those posts, but I also notice the numerous, actually about 3/4 of the posts, having photos that do not show anymore.

I can understand how frustrating would be for both the visitor and myself to have the photos not show up on the post. I have been going back and forth trying to figure out what I should do: just erase those posts and start clean or should I spend lots and lots of hours, that I do not currently have, fixing up those posts. Ultimately I would love to get a new blog design, freshen things up. I am trying to figure out a way to get back into the groove of things so until then please excuse the mess, and hopefully all this will be resolved soon.

I am still here so if you need to get a hold of me please feel free to e-mail me at

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