Last year I saw bloggers going to those awesome conferences and somehow I always found out after the fact. Well one of my goals for this year was to go to a blog conference. Can I tell you I could not have picked a better first conference than SNAP. It was a three day experience that I will never forget. I saw and met bloggers from all kind of blogging experience and people who actually didn’t even blog. Everyone was very nice and welcoming. I even made a new friend!
Speaking of meeting people…I was so excited to meet so many bloggers that I didn’t knew prior to the conference and few bloggers that I have been following for a while. I was so nervous not knowing what to expect, after all I was going to a place with over 300 people and I didn’t know anyone. Yes, I was going all by myself. :) (I don’t regret it one bit) By the end of the three days I had met so many wonderful people, I realized that I didn’t feel alone at all. I just wished I had taken more photos while there.
Vanessa, me, Catherine

Jamielyn and me

Shelley and me

I had to take photo with Courtney from Pizzazzerie. As soon as I saw her walk into the room I had to tell her how the day prior to me leaving for the conference I had showed up to my hair dresser with a photo of Courtney asking her to give me almost the same haircut.
Kate and me

me, Ana, and Mandi
Kristen and me
The classes were amazing: anywhere from blogging tips to legal matters; from design to party planning; some craft projects to photography. We had some amazing speakers and great topics.

On the last evening we had a very funny speaker…a marriage counselor, Matt Townsend. I found out he is a well know local. I was laughing so hard during his speech that I had tears coming down my checks. In the end everything he had said was true and was presented in such an entertaining way that no one wanted for him to stop.
The blogging conference was set in Lehi, Utah. I really wish I had more time to visit the beautiful gardens. The conference was during their tulip festival. The view from my room was simply divine!

The main theme of the conference was to BE YOU! Everyone else is taken! As a blogger everyone gets wrapped up in the number of page views, the number of followers, the number of advertisers but in the ends it’s about the sweet comments and the friendships made as a blogger. Just BE YOU and people will follow! I am already looking forward to next year.
One thing that I had a hard time adjusting to was being away from Madison (my daughter). This was the first time since she was born that I was away from her for more than few hours. I tried my hardest not to feel guilty since I knew this was for my own good. After all of our classes each day before dinner I would sneak into the hotel room and Skype with her.
In the end I am glad that I went and put my little self out there. I learned a lot about myself as well as a thing or two about who I want to be.