Last Thursday was officially my daughter’s last day of school. I survived her first year of preschool. I remember the first month of preschool, the constant crying and fear of going to school. Me having to sit in the classroom, pregnant, for three hours to try to ease her into it. At the end of the school year she just ran in her classroom waving a quick good bye.
I don't like like to make plans way too far in advance because somehow my plans always change. I like being a last minute person for the most part especially with a newborn. Madison and I were working on a summer bucket list and somehow we came up with practically the same things as last year. You can check out our list here. Then I remembered all the pins sitting in my summer board on Pinterest and came across this summer schedule.
photo credit: Somewhat Simple
What I like about this schedule is that every day has a theme. I think in the end we will be incorporating both our summer bucket list as well as the summer schedule into our daily activities to make things more interesting to my almost 4 year old. I have a few things already lined up for us and cannot wait to record them. For example on Mondays we can make things that I have found on Pinterest: some kids crafting, painting; on Tuesdays we can go to the local library to story time; on Wednesdays we can make kids appropriate recipes such as cookies, cupcakes, kids size pizza. For the summer I have signed Madison up for art class on Thursdays so we can either have that day as our “Somewhere fun day” or continue with the “Be thoughtful day”. Only time will tell!
To be completely honest with myself and you, the readers, I am not sure how committed I will be to the blog this summer but I will try to update every so often. If you would like to keep up with me you can always find me on Instagram – my handle is megan_splendiddesign or check out the sidebar on the right.