May 8, 2014

Mother and Daughter Tea Party

I have been blessed with two beautiful daughters. I am patiently waiting for the day when I can take them to a real tea room where we can sip on tea and enjoy fancy pastries. While waiting for this day to come I decided that we should spend an afternoon sipping tea, eating yummy deserts, and enjoy each other's company.


As much as I enjoy over the top parties, sometimes having something simple and on a budget is the perfect fit. On a beautiful sunny early afternoon we, with the help of my husband, walked over to the nature spot right next to our home and set up for our tea party. The table cloth is a sheer drapery panel. We used cake stands that I have collected over the years and a tea set that I had been itching to use. The rest of the decor is items from around the house. One things I was taught growing up is to never be afraid to use your fine china. Believe it or not those crystal glasses are part of our everyday stemware.

tea party

When it comes to food, with us, the simpler the better. The table spread included different flavors mini bunt cakes, croissants along with raspberry jam, chocolate chip muffins, raspberry white chocolate cookies, and of course fresh fruit. For drinks we had tea, lemonade, and water. When it comes to food for a party I always go for what's going to be most likely to be eaten rather than what sounds fancier. I have starved at too many weddings to let that happen.

tea  tea2



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I loved seeing my little girl's face lit it every time she sipped her tea or ate one of the mini bunt cakes or trying to act proper. We had a fun filled afternoon and cannot wait to do it again!


May 6, 2014

Painted Mason Jars


painted mason jar


I love mason jars! They are cute and can be used for anything. You might remember my post about mason jars and how they can be used for anything. This week is teacher appreciation week and I am yet to put something together so I am sharing with you what I gave the teacher’s last year when she was in her first year of preschool. Painted mason jars!

Of course I realized last minute that it was teacher appreciation week (the baby was only two weeks old at the time, so to be quite honest half of the time I didn’t even knew what day/time it was). I really loved Madison’s teachers that I wanted to give them something made from me and hopefully to keep. Nothing like procrastination and this was me at 4am ….painting mason jars. Good thing acrylic paint dries fast.


painted mason jars prep

There are many tutorials out in the blogosphere but it is very easy.

1. Clean your mason jars really well. Make sure that they are dry.

2. Paint the outside of the jar with paint of your choice. You can use spray paint if you would like. Let it dry

3. Once the paint has dried lightly sand the outside of the jar, highlighting some spot. This gives the jar the shabby chic look. You can’t go wrong here, just sand to what look you prefer the jar to have. If you have used spray paint I do not think you can sand. I like the shabby look so I just stick to acrylic paint or chalk paint.

9. Seal the paint with clear coat! You are done!

painted mason jars project

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