Ever since we started working on the playroom, the girls and I have been spending so much time in that room. It feels so good to have furniture and color in a room that previously only had simple beige walls with just a daybed in there. In case you were wondering I am yet to finish that side of the room and show you photos. I am thinking I should be done by Christmas. 

I have always wanted to have a giant chalkboard but felt intimidated by this project (not sure why). So one day on one of our random Home Depot shopping trip we decided to just go with it and make one.
After I posted about the playroom progress I had a couple of people approach me on how we made the giant chalkboard. Well, it is very easy and inexpensive! The whole project costs us less than $100.
Here is what you need:
* a sheet on MDF, the smooth surface is the best for the chalkboard paint
* 2 - 4”x8’ pine boards , one board to be put in half
* chalkboard paint
* wood glue and nails
* paint or stain for the frame of the chalkboard

The How to:
1. My MDF board was 8’1” x 4’1”. I didn’t find that out until this until later. So measure and decide if you want the board to be flushed with the frame or a little longer.
2. Paint the MDF with the chalkboard paint. This will take about three to four coats. Please read the instructions on the paint can.
3. Paint/Stain the pine boards.
4. After you have waited the allotted time put wood glue on the pine board and the glue it onto the MDF. Then nail in the nails. Mine are spaced 12” apart.
5. Mount it on the wall. I used French Cleat for mine.
You are done! An easy weekend project!
If you do make one please share your photos with me. I would love to see them!