April 14, 2013

Sunday Funnies

One thing that I always look forward to is Sundays! Sunday mornings are lazy mornings. This is the only time that we do not rush out of the door to get to somewhere. We sit down and read the Sunday Newspaper, we take our time eating breakfast, we just relax and enjoy each other’s company without interruptions!


One thing that I love about my day is reading the funnies in the newspaper! Sometimes they are a true reflection of our lives in a funny way! You are probably very familiar with  Someecards…well, they make me laugh constantly! I just love them and they can lift my mood no matter what!


Here are some of my favorites this week:


This is not a Someecard but it is so true and so funny when it’s not happening at the time. I remember taking me three hours to run a few errands a few months ago. I was so exhausted by the end that I had to take a nap. True story!




I am so having fun that I might turn this into a regular Sunday series!

“The Sunday Funnies!”

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