August 9, 2011

One Lovely Blog Award

I would like to say thank you, to Megan from A Lived in Home who has passed the “One Lovely Blog Award” to my little blog.


So accepting the award means I am required to share 7 things about me.

  1. I am a very shy person, but once you get to know me I am a talker. I can talk ramble about anything and everything as long as I have someone to listen to me. I am a very good listener if you can imagine that.
  2. Last year I spent more time in Seattle, WA then my own home in Southern California. I travel frequently between those two destinations both to visit family as well as my business responsibilities.
  3. I cannot wait to go on my vacation.
  4. My daughter is 10 days older than my cousin’s daughter. No, it wasn’t planned that way. It just happened. In actuality my cousin’s wife due date was September 11. I love that our daughters are so close in age.
  5. I am a very picky eater. If the food doesn’t look right I will not touch it with a ten foot pole. It has been like this since the day I was born. Don’t get me wrong I love food, but if it doesn’t look good or has a weird name I do not care. On the other hand I love sweets.
  6. Few years back while trying to get to the locker rooms to see a family member after an Angels baseball home game I pushed a person out of my way. The person that I pushed out of the way was Adam Sandler. He had muscles at the time and I touched them, Ehhh! That is my only celebrity sighting so far!
  7. I like to think! Sometimes that is a problem because then I over think things! That results in me being a procrastinator. More on that later!

Well now its time for me to nominate 15 fellow bloggers. Here we go:

1. Aubrey at All Things Bright & Beautiful

2. Courtney at A thoughtful Place

3. Michaela at Michaela Noelle Designs

4. Shelli at A’la Mode

5. Julie from Belle Maison

6. Kristine at A Graceful Home

7. Emily from Name 5 Things

8. Rachel at A Touch of Gray

9. Christina at Full House

10. Natalie at Designer Bags and Dirty Diapers

11. Michelle at Ten June

12. Shelley at House of Smiths

13. Jessie at Cape 27

14. Erin at Elements of Style

15. Shannon at What’s up Whimsy

Thank you for inspiring me!  If you would like to play along, here are are the rules:

  1. Tell us 7 things about yourself.
  2. Pass this award on to 15 bloggers who inspire you. 





  1. You are too sweet! Thanks for the award! I love your 7 things! I'm such a picky eater too... I'm starting to branch out more though! Too funny you bumped into Adam Sandler! I wish I could have seen your face! :)

  2. Thanks girl! That is so sweet of you! And I'm loving the Adam Sandler story...I probably would've freaked out and said something stupid like "stop looking at me, swan!!!" hahaha!

  3. Thank you so much for thinking of me!!! And wow, what a list! So glad and proud to be included with them : ) Thanks love!


Thank you for your comments. I do read them and appreciate them. Have a wonderful day!

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